Life presents us with many questions; most of the time we get no answers, or so it seems. Sometimes we get “answers” and they make no sense at all. Those who think critically, think about this and decide the “answer” must be wrong. Others take the answer at face value, accept it as being correct, then reject everything associated with that faith or ideology because “it” (the answer) is so wrong.
Let us consider some of the questions most of us must have faced.
Where did we come from? Did we evolve or where we created?
If we were created by a single creator, why are there so many different religions?
Each “religion”/faith/belief claims an exclusive association with God which makes all others “false”. How can this be, and still be true for all. A Christian will claim that the only path to paradise is through Jesus. A Jew may well say the same about Moses; a Muslim will insist it is Muhammad. A Hindu will say Rama or Krishna (may peace be upon them all). Each has to be mutually exclusive; they cannot all be true. Can they?
Is there justice at all? If there is a God at all, how can he allow so much pain and suffering in the world?
Why, when we have the most advanced system for society (democracy), do we feel so inpotent? Why is our life always such a struggle? Why is it that the bad guys always seem to enjoy the best of everything?
The real criminals use their ill begotten gains to exempt them from all consequences, yet the honest people always suffer. Why is this so? Is it not obvious that crime does not pay, but extreme criminality can buy you anything you want? Is this the message life seems to be giving us? Did we not read with a smile, good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere? What message are we left with?
Is my belief the correct one? What if I am wrong? How can I be sure that I am on the right path?
Does it make any difference what other people say about me? Should I just do as I please, as long as I am happy? Are there really such things as right or wrong, good or bad? Are these just tales created to help children until they “find themselves”?
Are there really such places as heaven and hell? Is there life after death? What happens when we die; reincarnation, judgment, oblivion?
Many of us live our lives without bothering to think about these because no one knows the answers, Right? My guess is as good as anyone else’s. There are theories and no way of proving any of them. Right?
My live has been a journey of discovery, and by the grace of God it is not yet over. I have a need to share with you what I have learned over time. My journey is not yet over, and I may not live long enough to see the outcome I seek. Hopefully, those who follow me will carry forward the knowledge and make the outcome a reality.
Let me begin by telling you about my early days, and how I came to my understanding of life. The path I believe we need to follow and why? You may then be the judge and decide whether I make any sense or not.
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