A mind trapped in “The Evolution Syndrome” cannot envisage a message being valid till the end of time. Everything changes, our mind tells us, so our laws and our approach too must change. We are evolving and improving all the time, so our laws must change in tandem.
Such a mind cannot envisage that there can exist any thing that is already at the end point, some thing that is already the ultimate best and for which there can be no more “improvement” or evolution.
Such a mind cannot envisage God, or the divine knowledge from God which is at its maximum of competence and relevance and for which there can be no improvement, no need for change.
What is this message for which no change is needed?
It is commonly referred to as the message of the last Prophet (PBUH), which is true, but it is not exclusively his; it was in fact the message of all prophets (PBUT). While many (especially "Muslims") do accept that the message is valid till the last day, no one seems to ask a very pertinent question, from when does its validity begin? This knowledge, which God has shared with mankind and which is meant for all mankind, has been valid from the beginning of creation and will remain as such till the last day. This is in stark contrast to everything held "sacred" by the evolution mindset.
What is this message? What follows are some of the important aspects.
There is only one God.
God alone is competent to make laws. The one we worship is the one whose laws (directives) we follow, hence, the directives of God are the only ones worthy of being followed, ie God is the only one worthy of being worshipped.
The poor have a right to a small portion of what God grants us as earning; this is not ours and is their right. Failing to honour this trust is a grave injustice, and has the effect of polluting our entire wealth just as a drop of urine pollutes an entire barrel of water. Everything that is acquired with this polluted wealth is itself polluted and a source of pain, not a source of comfort.
Abstinence or fasting is recommended and has great spiritual and physical benefits.
Four actions are crimes against God, and if the criteria for guilt are met, the perpetrators qualify for the prescribed punishment, and there is no exception. These are adultery, theft, robbery and perjury. We are not authorized to criminalize any other action.
Any one who feels his rights have been violated is entitled to bring his complaint before a competent adjudicator.
We should always uphold the truth, even against our self and family, fulfill all our pledges and keep all our promises.
All debts should be paid as agreed upon, or earlier if possible since no one knows when we are to die. No debt is anulled by death or the passage of time and one will be held accountable for all unpaid debts on the day of judgment.
Respect and honour our parents, but not to the extent that we violate Gods guidance.
Be kind and protective to the orphan, traveler, the infirm and the poor.
Everyone is created with free will and no one may violate the free will of another, or allow their own free will to be violated (we are born free and guided on how we can preserve our freedom).
Everyone is born subservient to the will of God.
We all have common ancestors in Adam and Eve (PBUT), this makes us all members of one family. Our differences are there to help us identify each another, and not for us to despise one another.
Everyone is born pure and sin free; to be born otherwise would be an injustice (answerable for a sin that was not of our doing).
No one is accountable for the deeds of another, only for our own.
Everyone will be treated with full justice, and any claims brought against us on the Day of Judgment will be backed with full proof.
We will all be tested, whether we recognize the existence of God or not, but we will not be tasked with a burden that is greater than our capability.
Guidelines on things that we should avoid (that we should treat as "forbidden") apply to all mankind, whether we acknowledge them as such or not.
Man has a status higher than woman, this means a degree of responsibility that is greater, and has been made differently so as to be able to fulfill this greater responsibility.
God judges us on our piety, and nothing else.
God judges our actions on the basis of our intention.
Our actions only qualify as a service to God if done in a manner accepted by God and when done exclusively for Him. Actions not approved by God can never be a source of benefit or a way by which we worship God.
We should seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. God has created the world in such a way that the knowledge he wishes to share with us can be learned through observation of his creations.
The time of our birth and of our death are determined before we are born; we cannot influence the quantity of our life, only the quality.
Satan has vowed to subjugate man (make man his slave, deprive man of his free will). He deceives us by mixing truth with falsehood. We are guided to protect ourselves against him.
Nothing that the Messenger’s of God did or implied varied from the above. They are guidelines that are truly eternal, and valid to the last day. God has promised to protect and preserve this guidance which we can access in the Quraan and the practice of God’s last Messenger on Earth (PBUH)
These guidelines are valid from the beginning to the end of time.
In keeping with the promise not to place a burden on us greater than we can bear, God has spared us the responsibility of making laws. All the guidance and directives we require for a successful stay on Earth have been revealed. Any addition or subtraction on our part is retrogressive and to our detriment..
Our duty is to ensure that no one violates the rights of anyone else; that everyone is free. The role of Government is not to make laws, but to give effect to the guidance of God, and in practical terms, it means ensuring that the free will of no one is violated and that those who are guilty of the prescribed crimes are duly punished. Our government is supposed to help preserve our freedom and keep the peace.
The guidance is simple, so that everyone can understand them, and will be in a position to recognize when attempts are made to violate them.
It becomes abundantly clear that involuntary taxation is theft and strictly forbidden. It is the yoke on the beast of burden, on the human slave. No one is free if burdened in this manner.
It should be clear to anyone who is honest and unbiased, that these guides are “evergreen”; that they have been valid from the beginning of creation, and will be valid till the end of time? This is why it is possible for every human to be judged fairly (in relation to their contemporaries as well as people of other eras).
When we create our own criteria of what qualifies as good or bad, right or wrong, we do not worship God but ourselves.When we make our own laws, we are treading on the exclusive domain of the Almighty. Failure is a certainty. Everyone has the right to do this in terms of our free will, but it denies us the hidden benefits that are present in certain actions only, and these are the ones God has sanctioned and guides us towards.
They are hidden simply because the way in which God created us makes it almost impossible for us to make the connections between our actions and all their consequences. God, in His infinite mercy does not deprive us of this benefit which we are incapable of appreciating because of no fault of our own. All that is required of us is to place our trust in Him. By following God’s guidance we are led to these benefits and protected from those actions that lead to negative consequences which we are similarly incapable of anticipating or predicting.
Do we acknowledge God’s infinite wisdom and follow His perfect guidance, or do we follow a course of trial by error. If we do not act to secure our freedom, we will not have the luxury of choice; that decision will be made for us.
Do we dare take this risk?
Until next time (God willing).
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