In an earlier post I discussed the Theory of Evolution, explained how Charles Darwin was perfectly within his right as a scholar, scientist and thinker to propose a possible explanation for offspring resembling their parents. With the discovery of chromosomes this mystery was solved, and with it Darwin ’s theory was proven wrong.
The facts are there for all to see.
What we need to ask is how is it possible for this theory to still be around, after all these years, for it to be presented as a fact in schools and the media, and for this to be promoted by people from all walks of life (media, politics, industry, academia at every level). This is the same as having the whole world believe that scurvy is due to a virus (which was the theory until that too was disproved).
What becomes obvious from the outset is that the people behind this falsehood have great influence at the highest level across almost every facet of society. There is no other explanation bearing in mind the irrefutable evidence against the Theory of Evolution.
All of us are affected in some way or another by this grand deception.
The first and most obvious consequence is the uncertainty that is created in our minds. No one can prove that we were not created, because we were. The objective is not to prove the point, only to create a doubt, while building on the lie as if it were a truth.
Most of us can avoid forbidden fruit most of the time. There will, however, arise that instance when we are most vulnerable and at our weakest. KNOWING that He is there, that we will have to answer to Him and that there are consequences for failing enables us to resist. Even the slightest doubt can cause us to fail. It is at times like this that these doubts influence our mind; maybe evolution is true; what if there is no God? What if this is not really “wrong”? When this happens we are as good as lost. In the sober light of day we will regret deeply our actions, but the harm has already been done.
We strengthen ourselves not for our day to day challenges, but for that instance which we may have to face possibly only once in our life. Our entire preparation is for that occasion. If we fail, then everything we had done in the past, all our preparations have been in vain, and many people have found how their entire lives just unravel because of just such an instance.
It is this doubt that is our greatest enemy, and if we are one of those affected, we owe it to ourselves to re-examine the facts that prove Darwin ’s theory was proven wrong. Once we study this fully, we realize how, in the creation of the world we live in, God is helping us understand that He exists, and by implication that there is life after death. We will accept more readily that there is a Day of Judgment; that we will be held accountable, that angels do exist, and that Heaven and Hell are real.
In a world produced through evolution, nothing can be fixed or constant. Change is essential and perpetual. Those of us who fall into the trap spend our entire lives searching for something which cannot be found by the process we are using to find it. This is because there is no end point to the process of evolution (hence there can be no end point to our search).
The moment organisms stop changing, evolution ends, and when this happens, the theory of Evolution itself is destroyed (unicellular organisms which reach a stable state and evolve no further brings evolution to an end so higher forms such as humans would not be able to evolve. The existence of primitive forms that remain distinct from the beginning of creation therefore means we could not have evolved).
Under the theory of Evolution, no organism can reach a state of “maturity” or “ultimate” development, because there is always another change the organism can undergo. Evolution is a never ending process. Hence the truth we seek regarding our purpose on earth can never be discovered.
Even if, by chance, the most advanced form of life that is possible does evolve, evolution would continue and undo what good had been achieved because it cannot know when to stop. It is a never ending process leading no where. When we are trapped in this mindset, we too keep searching not sure if something better, or “more true” lay in the next theory or the one after that, and life becomes a perpetual search, a perpetual waste. “The” answer will forever remain elusive.
When we realize that our creation is the process of deliberate design, we are directed to this source for the answer to our question, and in the process we learn what we must do to fulfill this objective. We are no longer swayed by constant doubt; we become focused.
Do not be misled into thinking that this makes life any less challenging. It is possibly even more so than that of the constant searcher. Reaching the high standards we seek will only be possible for a few, but even so, being on the right path itself confers so many advantages that we may still succeed in our ultimate objective (of proving our worthiness of our place in Paradise) despite our shortcomings.
It is those who have not “discovered God” that see a life spent this way as one spent in vain, not realizing that what they are describing is their own existence.
God created us. He knows we cannot perceive Him with the senses with which we were created. But He has given us the means of deducing and “feeling” His presence, if only we use the tools wisely.
Thirdly, the evolution syndrome impacts on our relations with others in society. We are more accommodating of man made legal systems that are constantly changing, forever trying to get better. We accept the making and breaking of laws, and the constant change this involves. It is in keeping with our understanding of an “evolving” existence. We do not have the ability to recognize how our actions serve only to prove the inherent defectiveness of this system.
We believe that the law must evolve to continue meeting the needs of changing circumstances, failing to acknowledge that the reason the law keeps changing is because it has never been able to meet the needs of any circumstance.
We do not realize how schizophrenic this makes us. We know but deny the stable world around us that is intolerant of change. We fail to acknowledge how our body is designed to protect itself against changes. We impose upon this stability our deranged belief that change is the natural order of things.
God has guided us with knowledge that will be valid and true to the last day. There is no need to change because the guidance is perfect, and something like this cannot be improved upon.
There are only four crimes by definition. No one may legitimately enact any law criminalizing our normal daily activities (which are sanctioned by God). We have free will. We may only be bound by our duty not to violate the rights of others. What is right and what is wrong has been explained by God, the One with the knowledge of everything, the One who has the Ultimate Answers. No searching on our part can ever produce, by trial and error, a better model and a better blue print than that which He has given us. It is the ultimate model.
Furthermore, which normal person accepts something as a store of wealth, as “money”, if it is created on a photocopier by privileged individuals, and where we have to pay for the privilege to use it (as we are forced to pay interest on the use of paper money), and whose value can change on a daily basis on the whims and fancies of privileged individuals. There is no point in accumulate it since it has no intrinsic value, and these “notes” may even be withdrawn from circulation making it truly totally worthless. Its value depreciates with time, literally evaporating its worth.
Only those afflicted with this malady can. And that is us.
We are forced to accept this useless waste in return for our hard labour. We cannot change to a gold based currency because laws prevent us from doing this. This fact should make us aware of our slave like situation.
God helps by giving us the answers we seek, but this does not fit in with our distorted view of reality. The victim of “evolution syndrome” cannot believe that an ideal answer can exist, that it is possible to have one, and that no “evolution” is necessary to further improve on it, so we scoff at it; such is the effect of this malady.
Under the effect of this syndrome the truth will be in full view but we will fail to recognize it and will accept obvious falsehood in its place. It is as if we are under a form of mass hypnosis. We are no different from the Emperor who parades his nakedness boasting his new clothes and convinced they are good because of the approval from those around him. We know the lies as the truth because everyone around us accepts them as such, and most importantly, because of the ridicule that follows when we think differently.
This disease is the basis of our relationship with politicians.
We accept their promises even when we know they don’t mean a word they say. When their lies are reveled in concrete form (eg.wikileaks) we allow them to hunt down those who exposed them, and to do untold harm to them instead of rounding them up and seeing that justice is served.
The original Theory of Evolution was about science, its subsequent abuse is not; it is about social engineering, and we engineer a mind by detaching it from its real roots, and giving it a new identity. In this way, we can make this mind do anything we want it to do and it will oblige thinking that this is what it wants. It is part of a mind control exercise.
Are we the product of God, or do we allow ourselves to become the product of satan? That is the choice we are faced with.
Until next time (God willing).
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