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Monday, January 24, 2011


If we experience fear, does this mean we are cowards?

This is a loaded question so I will not venture an answer. What I will do is explain why this question is raised.

Many things that we do are controlled by fear. We may fear the wrath of Government so we avoid doing or saying certain things. Our fear of God, employers, thugs and bullies etc all may play a part in influencing our behavior in some way or other, but we may not always acknowledge the fear, and in some cases, especially where our actions have been controlled for very long, we may not even realize that such an underlying fear actually exists.

An important step on the road to freedom is not only recognising this fear, but learning how to overcome it. It is through fear that most tyrants extract our "loyalty".

This question is most pertinent in the context of what I believe we have to do in order to restore our freedom. Many of us may not even wish to think about this because it involves taking a stand against the established powers of our time, who ever they may be. There is a fear of repercussions.

When it involves standing up to power, we choose not to think about the problems. In this way our conscience is at ease; “Ignorance is bliss” rings very true.

We carry on our sorry lives, believing that we trust in God, that we worship God alone, and that we are very good and devout Christians, Muslims, Hindu etc who must qualify for Paradise without realizing that our failure to respond is evidence of the very opposite, ie, the absence of faith in God.

God has power over everything. Nothing can happen without His consent. These are things we rattle off like school children boasting off our memorization of nursery rhymes. But if we truly believed this, then we would also be aware that nothing can happen but by the will of God. We will be confident that when we act in His service, we enjoy His protection. We know also that to act contrary to His guidance will cause us to incur His displeasure.

Armed with this knowledge, it should be impossible for our actions to be guided by anything but the fear of the displeasure of God.

When our slave like existence becomes apparent to us, and the need to be free as part of our service to God hits our conscious mind, there should be no concern about the potential difficulties we must overcome. We should simply act in terms of what is right. Thoughts of secondary benefits or luxuries that we may lose should never enter the equation.

A Worshipper of God does what is right (as defined by God) irrespective of who is concerned. It is this that distinguishes us from those who no longer worship God in sincerity.

When our actions are guided by fear of the consequences of displeasing some worldly “power”, without realizing it, what we are doing is placing this power on par, if not superior to God. Our actions say that we do not believe that God can protect us from them. It says that we surrender to them and do as we are told. It means we have become worshippers of these powers and are therefore no longer exclusive worshippers of God.

It means our claim that “there is no God but God” is no longer true and that when we are assembled on the Day of Judgment, it will be as non-believers.

Think very deeply on this.

The defense of ignorance is no longer valid.

We have a duty, and we need to see that this duty is fulfilled. We need to free ourselves, and in so doing to give effect to our God given right of free-will; this means we have to act. We need to ensure that we do not contribute to the enslavement of others; this means we cannot remain inactive.

We need to share this message with as many people as we can. When the time comes to vote, we must do so fearlessly and without exception.

Being afraid is normal. When this happens we remind ourselves that all power rests with God, we invoke Gods protection, and we are afraid no more. This is how we worship God. If we become afraid then act against what is right, we are serving the cause of satan; we are worshipping him. This is how we reject God.

It is by our intention that God judges us, and He is never fooled. It is by our actions that our fellow man judges us, and action, as we all know, speaks louder than words.

How are we going to act?

Until next time.

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