Within the issue of piety arises the question of whether there is such a thing as something being intrinsically “right” or “wrong”. Today we are led to believe that each person decides for himself what is best for him, and that there is no such thing as something being inherently “right” or “wrong”. It is the individual and his circumstances that decide this.
This logic and reasoning is not inspired by God. When we think through this carefully, we will understand why we have been misled into thinking this way.
The guidance given to us by God is never compulsory; it is always by way of advice. We exercise our free will and decide whether to accept God’s guidance or not. God never imposes Himself upon those He has created. This becomes self evident when we study God’s relationship with us.
From the outset He has chosen freedom as the best course for us. To this effect He gave us free will. He never forces His guidance upon us.
Prophet Moses (PBUH) asked God to make his people obedient to him. God replied that He did not impose such a compulsion on His creation even concerning Himself. While God guides us to the best possible action we can take, he never imposes His guidance.
How can we put His guidance into perspective? God knows everything and also every possible outcome of every possible decision we make. That being the case, he is in a position to chart the best course for us.
Take the example of a candle. If we knew nothing about fire, God will guide us not to touch it. We may decide to take the advice. If not, we get burnt. This is not punishment, simply the consequences of our bad decision. Every advice of God fits in this category.
In the case of the candle, we can understand the cause (touching the fire) and effect (getting burnt) relationship between the two because they happen together. It is easy for us to make the connection. Many actions, however, produce consequences years or decades later. We are incapable of making the connection and hence we do not learn from our mistakes and continue making them.
God’s advice protects us from these “down the line” consequences, making our life one of the best possible quality overall. Even being consigned to Hell is not punishment, it is what we qualify for based on the decisions we made on Earth. We find a tendency for God to be held responsible for things which are of our own doing, and this is usually promoted by agents of satan.
It is because of these “down the line” consequences that we have the guidance regarding recognizing that God is One, belief in the Prophets (PBUT), His Books, life after death, Day of Judgment, promiscuity, adultery; lying, theft, murder etc. It is our decision whether to accept the advice. By God’s decree, no one can legitimately impose His guidance upon us.
It is this advice from God that we describe as being “right” or “good” and contrary advice as being “wrong” or “bad”. This is not something that falls within our power of discretion. If our lives are contrary to the teaching of God, then we are bad people, and there is no debate on this. Satan acknowledges this and has responded by popularizing being “bad”. Watch the wording on clothing and advertising these days and you will understand what I am saying. We do not become “good” by making “bad” acceptable behaviour.
“Bad” means we are acting in ways that do not promote our progress along piety. It means we will fail in our ultimate quest. “Bad” is not just a word whose meaning we can change to suit our purposes.
There is no obligation on us to choose to be “good” and anyone who tries to impose “good” practice upon another becomes a “bad” person. This is something we need to understand. Freedom as given by God means we have to accept a person’s personal decision to be “bad” and our only recourse against them is when they act in ways which violate our rights. Otherwise what they do is their right as God has granted free will both in pursuing good or bad.
If we choose to be “good”, we must manifest this in our life and hope that it would inspire others to adopt our way of life as their own. We do not become “good” by pointing out the “bad” in others. Doing this causes us to become “bad”.
Freedom as given by God means we mind our own business and no one has any right to mind ours; that we can forcibly stop anyone from minding our business (by use of force if necessary), but that we respond to someone when they issue a call for help.
The true worshipper of God uses the guidance of God as the foundation of his thinking. All decisions and ideas are built on this. This is the only way to protect against the evil suggestions of satan that make “bad” appear good, and “wrong” appear “right” and we will fall for this deception unless we have the foundation to recognize the truth.
Until next time.
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