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Monday, January 3, 2011

The Yoke of slavery

After studying “the protocols”, one realizes the importance of power and control. The world leaders identified money as the means through which their control over everyone was to be realized.

Money (something accepted by the community as a medium of exchange, something for which they would exchange goods and services) has traditionally been an item of intrinsic value, and usually because of its scarcity. It is for this reason that rare shells, beads, and later silver and gold filled this role. To secure control over the world, control had to be secured over the world “money”.

The creation of paper money, a medium with no intrinsic value; one which could be reproduced ad-infinitum and which people could be forced to accept through force of law was the answer. Securing a monopoly over its creation and distribution was the tricky part. This is explained in the video series “Why do we have to live in fear like this?” and I would recommend that this be viewed before reading further. It lays out certain basic truths which we must be aware of if we are to have a correct understanding of our world.

The following is the link to the first part, with the others available on the You-tube channel “nckamdar”.

Each paper money “note” in circulation arises out of an act of borrowing from the banks and are in effect “promises to pay”, or IOU’s, and each incurs interest. We pay interest for using these paper notes, which we are forced to use, and they can be created, by the banks without the backing of anything of value; hence the name “fiat currency”. Most people are unaware that the US Federal Reserve Bank and the South African Reserve Bank are not government owned but private banks, and they have the exclusive right, by law, to create paper money. When this is done by anyone else it is called counterfeiting. What these banks do is no less counterfeiting but there is nothing we can do about it under the current political system.

Fiat money has no value in itself, is an instrument of debt (an IOU), and depreciates in value with time (due to the effect of rising prices). Trapped in this system, where this worthless paper is presented in return for our real services and goods, we will always be “poor”, and will get poorer with time as any money we have saved depreciates in value.

Our slavery is completed by the system of taxation. An understanding of slavery is not complete without an understanding of freedom. It is because we have been without freedom for centuries that we no longer know the difference.
The basic prerequisites for freedom are the right to secure ones food and water, the right to secure a place of shelter, right to defend oneself and freedom of movement. Interference with any of these results in the loss of our freedom.

Our power, and our ability to secure the above rests on our ability to trade. Our wealth, the product of our effort, determines the extent of our power. No one may take this from us without our consent. To do so is theft. To enforce this theft is to forcibly subjugate us. Put differently, we become the slave of the one who enforces the subjugation.

A slave is one who has no rights over the fruit of his labour. Tax laws insist that all our earnings belong to the government, and we are allowed to keep that which the government allows us (by its manipulation of the tax rate).

Democracy, the system we are all subject to, makes slaves of every individual. This is the reason for the numerous wars around the world, especially in the Muslim world. Practice of Islam delivers freedom, (this will be discussed at a later time), and foreign invaders wish to impose the slave system of Democracy. Conflict is inevitable.

If the USA really wished to bring freedom to the Iraqi people, it would have left with the message, “you are now free, do as you please”. Instead the USA occupies Iraq and insists that they endure the slavery of “democracy”. They are slave masters, not liberators.

The question I wish to address here is how a country functions in the absence of compulsory taxes. This has been addressed in “Living in a World Without Taxes”.

By using actual figures from the South African budget, a case has been made for the elimination of taxes, which would be a major step towards restoration of our freedom, but many other changes are required before freedom can be realized.

Governments of today impose taxes while offering no guarantees in return. Today we are witnessing the worst cases of abuse as our tax money is openly used to bail out corporate bosses, while we the taxpayer are penalized with ever increasing taxes, with no end in sight.

Carbon taxes are being discussed and implemented. A new tax for a national health system over and above all the taxes we already pay. A new tax by way of an annual Certificate of Roadworthiness on all cars is being discussed. The other tax (renewing ones drivers license every five years) has been implemented with no resistance from the consumer.

We have accepted our slavery without realizing it. Even worse, we think of our slavery as freedom. This is the worst form of slavery, one where the slave acts to enforce his own subjugation without being any the wiser. This is the mental slave.

Through this blog I hope to help you free your mind, and with that, freedom of your body will inevitably follow, it is only a matter of time.

To understand why taxes are not necessary we have only to look at how tax money is spent and to ask whether we will do a better job for ourselves (as individuals and as a community or nation).

If the answer is yes, then we should insist on this.

We pay taxes, with no guarantees in return.
No guaranteed health care. So new taxes are to be raised. How can we be sure that this new income will be used exclusively for our healthcare? The bloated bureaucracy consumes a huge part of the funds raised, funds which we can better put to use without the middle-man cost of the existing system. Many currently choose private health care despite the taxes they pay.

Education. Most people pay school fees and many choose private schools.

Security. Police only arrive after the crime is committed. We pay for home security systems and rapid response armed guards and there is no compensation from the government when we fall victim to crime which it has failed to prevent.

Housing. Taxes do not guarantee anyone a home. Despite what the government goes, the number of homes required increases each year.

Poverty cannot be eliminated by a system that creates poverty through taxation.

Hunger goes along with poverty.

The major problem with the slave system of Democracy is that it assumes that there are individuals who are capable of making decisions that will serve everyone equally well. This is pure nonsense. Each individual has different needs and situations and each person has to act in his best interest, accepting the benefits or consequences of his decision.. If we take away the right of a person to act for themselves because we we think know what is best for them, we reduce them to the status of a child. We then insist that all their earning be placed in our care because we know best how to utilize it. This is the slave system we call Democracy

No one knows what is best for anyone. We each have to apply our minds to our situation, and in this way, the diversity of approaches and attitudes produces a plethora of outcomes which is the basis of the strength and resilience of the human species. Take away this individuality and we have a recipe for disaster.

Happy reading and bye for now.

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