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Friday, January 21, 2011

What is this all about?

I have been on the internet more than usual recently as I search for suitable people to invite to this blog, and you may be one of those recently invited; if so, my sincerest gratitude for accepting the invitation.

What I did discover, however, is that there are thousands of sites, each of which must require constant attention and care by many thousands of dedicated people, and the information available is phenomenal, even though much duplication between sites exists. After all, there is only one authentic Quraan, and we all make reference to the same one.

The thought did cross my mind, what if all these hard working and dedicated people are so busy loading the information on the sites, that they have little time to actually study the information for themselves. We then have a similar situation as happens with many lectures in university, where the notes of the lecturer become the notes of the students without having entered the mind of either. We who are greedy for information may also be guilty of downloading loads of great information but finding no time to actually study and apply them.

Talking is not why this blog was started. We have enough of that. What we need is to do something concrete which will have the effect of bringing an end to the cause of the endless discussions. If these are solved, the need to talk will stop, and we will be free to start living our lives. Now, wouldn’t that be great?

I can only pray that you will be stimulated to contribute your thoughts not only here, but also to other sites that you visit regularly and so help start a world wide awareness that there is a real solution to the world’s problems, that the principles of Shariah are the ideal alternative to Democracy, and that “bringing” Democracy to those who do not want it is not the solution, it is part of the problem.

No man made system can come even close to ensuring freedom for everyone; they always involve one group subjugating another.

Shariah makes this possible because ensuring the freedom of ourselves and of others is part of our duty and service to God. We do it voluntarily and without coercion.

As such, we who seek nothing more than to live our lives in peace and who have no desire to interfere in the lives of others will welcome this. Slave masters and those under their compulsion will resist us every bit of the way. They have great influence on the media and will even create doubts in us about the practicality and wisdom of our actions. We will be called many things, none of them complimentary, for doing nothing other that ensuring our freedom. All those who serve God find themselves castigated in this way.

Those of us who have not found God are equally victims of such people, and as such, we too will find true freedom and security under a system based on the principles of Shariah. The way of the Prophets (PBUT) is recommended for all mankind, though this may appear hard to believe with all the misinformation going around.

I look at the myriad of sites explaining the merits of God’s teaching to us, but rarely do we find in them a model that truly recognizes that we are all equally children of God, and I am yet to find a single site which does not promote its understanding of Religion as the ultimate truth and which seeks to invite people to their way of thinking to the exclusion of all others.

God showed us how to teach people about Him. We do this by putting His teaching into practice with the conviction that it is the ideal way of life and that others who witness this will be inspired to adopt our way of life as their own. Compulsion in any form is against God’s teaching and guidance. This teaching applies to EVERYONE. We must put to the test our understanding of the truth. The real truth will prevail against all imposters. If it is the real truth we seek, then we have nothing to fear from Shariah.

We cannot manifest God’s teachings in its totality under Democracy, because Democracy demands primary allegiance to its creations (Parliaments and its equivalents) while a true believer in God submits to no one but God.

This is our challenge.

I hope you who are reading this will carry these ideas far and wide, and in different languages so that we can set in motion the formation of an international movement dedicated to making true freedom a reality in our time.

Soon, God willing, I will describe some of the more practical manifestations of the Shariah system.

Until then.

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