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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is Shariah and what is Shariah Law?

Most of us have heard it said that man is God’s representative on earth. This is not totally correct. Man is created with the potential of being Gods representative on Earth. We have fulfilled this potential when everything we do is in keeping with God’s guidance. Then, when we act it is as if God is acting. Not everyone reaches this level of piety.

A representative does not act in his own name, but in the name of the one who is being represented. The representative of God therefore acts “In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful.”

What is God’s relationship with man?

God insists on protecting the free will of man. There is no imposition. God informs us that if we worship Him alone we will be free. Why is this so?

Anyone who worships God alone becomes God’s representative. The representative must be true to the one that is being represented, and it is therefore incumbent upon him: to respect the free will of others and never to impose his views upon others (we may not subjugate anyone else) and to ensure that no one imposes their will upon us (that we preserve our own freedom). The next level of responsibility is to ensure that no one else is subjugated against their will. Hence, if there is any one under subjugation and calls for help, we are duty bound to answer that call. Only a free person can, a slave has to obey the will of his master.

What does it tell us about ourselves if we are hampered by laws that prevent us from bringing relief to people under occupation and humiliation? What are these laws to us, if not the chains on a slave?

Those that followed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) understood this message and history bears witness to this. They never attacked nations. Despotic leaders were offered the option of ceasing their unjust subjugation of their people and to ensure their freedom, failing which they would be replaced. If they accepted, they remained in a position of authority if this was the will of their people.

This explains why minority Muslims were allowed to rule over lands they conquered. They did not impose their beliefs, and did not allow anyone else to impose theirs. Everyone was allowed to practice their faith as they saw best. The pagan Arabs continued their pagan practice. Hindus in India continued their polytheism under Muslim rule. Jews and Christians practiced their faith and built churches and synagogues. This is the way God wishes us to live; in peace and freedom, and this is only possible if we adopt worship of God alone. This manner of living in society is called the way of the Prophets, or Shariah.

This is explained in greater detail in “Shariah: the best kept Secret"

and also in a short video series entitled “Democracy vs Shariah”. The following are the introduction and part 1 segment 1 of 2. All of them may be viewed on You-Tube on the channel, “nckamdar”.

Shariah is not "Law". One cannot impose Gods guidance through force of law of threat of punishment. It may only be followed voluntarily. Those who adopt some of the teachings of God and impose it upon others (such as punishing people for eating in public during Ramadaan) are not practicing Shariah but Law. Law is the system of man made laws that is imposed upon others, hence the term Shariah Law. Shariah Law has no resemblance to Shariah, and is a misrepresentation of the word Shariah.

Shariah is the way of the Prophets (PBUT), a manifestation of God’s guidance for us on how we must live with each other. Adopting this code for ourselves will free us of involuntarily taxes and the slavery this entails, free us from subjugation to our fellow man, allow us to live our lives as we see fit, making decisions for ourselves and accepting the consequences of our decisions, and free us to rise in defense of the oppressed and downtrodden. The slave masters of today wish to ensure that no one is allowed to assist those whom they decide to crush.

Shariah is not compatible with our modern understanding of evangelism or religious propagation. No one has the right to impose their views on others or to repeatedly bother others with their beliefs. If we belief we have something of value to share with others, we do. Should they refuse the advice, that is their choice and we must accept it. This does not mean we may not help others who approach us seeking knowledge about God and His teachings.

God teaches us that the way to make others aware of His guidance is by applying His guidance in our own lives. We demonstrate in a living way what it means to worship God alone. We are informed that this way of life is so perfect, that when others see it in practice, they will be moved to adopt our way of life as their own, voluntarily and without any imposition.

Many of those who initially lived under Muslim leaders adopted the faith.

Mongol hordes that invaded Iraq found themselves adopting the practice of the people that they had now subdued. From this we learn that it is not only those that were defeated that adopted the Islamic way of life, it applied to conquerors as well. God works his miracle in many ways. Truth will always triumph over falsehood.

From this it becomes clear that no words need be wasted refuting the claim that Islam was spread by the sword. A representative of God could never act in this way, and those who ruled during the glorious days of the Caliphate were truly God’s representatives on earth. They had no interest in self glorification, having already come to the realization that all power and all glory lay with God alone. They simply served as directed. They replaced despots with pious rulers who preserved the freedom of the people that were now their responsibility.

Every prophet, over 124 000, including Prophet Adam, Jonah, Joseph, John, Job, Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Ishmail, Jesus, Muhammad, (PBUT) were all Muslims and their religion was “submission to the will of God”. That is our collective legacy, One God, one planet, one human race, one true religion.

Those who wish to divide us according to Gods many prophets do not serve or represent God.

Most people on this planet know that God exists. Can we put aside our differences and adopt the model God has prescribed for us so that we too may enjoy true liberty and freedom; freedom of person, of thought, of possession, and of religious practice.

The word shariah has been deliberately misrepresented by the media and education systems in order to keep us ignorant of that which is best for us. We should always remind ourselves that Shariah is “the way of the prophets (PBUT)”. In this way we recognize that this was the teaching and the practice of all the Prophets (PBUT), not only of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Shariah is the total anti-thesis of Democracy as it is practiced today and there is no resemblance between the two. While the way of the Prophets (PBUT) ensures our perpetual struggle against slavery and the eventual liberation of all mankind, Democracy strives to create a slave planet through the imposition of a single world government as part of a “New World Order”.

It is because we have become mental slaves, drugged by the constant indoctrination of the controlled education system and media that we see Democracy as the best way for us and the one which guarantees freedom, and as a result we cannot understand why it is that our lives are more in keeping with that of a slave within a slave system instead of the free person we belive we are.

Until next time.

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